edition 2021




Environmental Photography Award 2021

Examining our relationship with wildlife means rethinking people’s place in the environment. It means forging close links with the nature around us by recognising its beauty at the same time as looking clearly at the threats we pose to its future. It also means maintaining the hope that together we will succeed in creating a new sustainable balance.

The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is pleased to invite you on this journey, through the most stunning photos that have been entered into its new international environmental photography award, launched to mark its 15th anniversary.

The choice of theme for this first edition, “Humanity - Wildlife: crossed destinies, shared territories” is significant, reflecting one of the fundamental lessons to be learned when we come out of the current global crisis: that humankind’s future is closely tied to the future of the species we coexist with on Earth. Because there can be no future in a devastated, deserted and polluted world that has lost its biodiversity.

Through the photographers’ eyes, the three categories diverge and connect – Incredible Wildlife, Wildlife in Crisis and Reasons for Hope – and engage our own reflection. The contrast between the incredible beauty of wildlife and the terrible impact of human activities on habitats, which threatens the survival of thousands of species, compels us to take collective action to support our planet’s life and health.

Nearly 6,000 photographs were entered in this first edition of the contest.



The 3 categories


Incredible Wildlife

Showcasing the beauty and variety of the species that inhabit our planet, in their natural habitats.


Wildlife in Crisis

Highlighting the negative impact that human activities are having on wildlife, and the irrationality of our relationship towards it.


Reasons for Hope

Exploring the solutions humans have found to develop more harmonious relationships with wildlife, through conservation efforts and actions in favour of a more sustainable future



Award Prizing

The Environmental Photographer of the Year

- The title “Environmental Photographer of the Year 2021”

- 6,000 € grant

- Public relations support of the Foundation through its communication channels, including social media, press, and newsletter

Category Winners

- 1,000 € grant for each of the 3 category winners

- Public relations support of the Foundation through its communication channels, including social media, press, and newsletter

Public Awards

- 500 € grant for the three Public Awards (one per category)

Shortlisted Photographers

- Featured in the Environmental Photography Award 2021 exhibition in Monaco and on its international tour

- Published in the Environmental Photography Award 2021 catalogue


The Jury

The 2021 Jury

Our prestigious jury selects the finalist and winning images for each category and elects the Environmental Photographer of the Year.

Olivier Wenden

President of the Jury

Ragnar Axelsson alias RAX

Laurent Ballesta

Anthony Boira

Nick Danziger

Daisy Gilardini

Frederick Dharshie Wissah

Lisa Samford

Jean-Michel Krief



The 2021 publication

A book is published for each edition (bilingual French-English version), including all the shortlisted photographs, accompanied by explanatory texts or photographers’ testimonials.

2021 Edition

Ouvrage relié, 29,7 x 21 cm, 72 pages

Organised in partnership with :