2021 Edition

Mathieu Courdesses

Love in the Jungle


Category - Reasons for Hope

Public award
Love in the Jungle

“These large primates are more than ever in danger because of deforestation. Today in Sumatra, their population is estimated at 14,500 individuals. Associations and eco-lodges have been built around Gunung Leuser Park to protect the Orangutans. Thanks to tourism, their voice is gaining more weight and is heard by the local authorities: in addition to protecting their forest, these structures create jobs and raise awareness among local populations. After several days in the Sumatran jungle, we finally found them. First, it was the young orangutan which, from branch to branch, approached my lens with curiosity. After a few minutes, a second orange shape moved towards me. It was its mother. After staying a while longer, a feeling of trust settled, and I was able to take this little moment of grace between the vines.”